Moldova needs more than ever a newspaper that informs about corruption and human rights. You can receive the newspaper at home, at the office, or - in the PDF version on your computer! You can also subscribe your loved ones or donate subscriptions so that ZdG reaches the villages of Moldova.

ZdG Boutique
Car air freshener
15.00 MDLDo you want your space to smell like fresh newspapers and hot investigations? Have a ZdG air freshener!
White Cup "Sip Courage"
120.00 MDLCup from which you can sip courage and… the tears of the corrupt.
Sprijină ZdG
Investigative journalism costs a lot, but we don't sell it, we make it accessible to everyone. Help us keep going, donate and tell others to come with us.
100.00 MDL
200.00 MDL
300.00 MDL
400.00 MDL
500.00 MDL
100.00 MDL
200.00 MDL
300.00 MDL
400.00 MDL
500.00 MDL
Redirect 2%of income tax to journalists who write about corruption.
Every year, between January and April, citizens of Moldova submit their income declarations. You can help support investigative journalism by donating 2% of your income tax to Ziarul de Gardă. It is necessary to indicate in the box M1 (section V, optional) of the Declaration of the natural person regarding the income tax - form CET 18, the tax code 1010620003744, of the Media-Guard Association, affiliated to Ziarul de Gardă.
To redirect 2% to Ziarul de Gardă, you must indicate in the income statement the fiscal code 1010620003744, of the Media-Guard Association. Thus, incurring additional payments, you can help support investigative journalism.
What will we do with the money?
All the resources will be used to carry out journalistic investigations in video format. Contributors can suggest topics that they think would be interesting and important to develop. Together, we can address issues of public interest.
Donate one work day to reporters!
ZdG provides information of public interest whenever needed, even late at night, early in the morning, on weekends, always when people need it. Being an anti-corruption reporter means being connected all the time, even when you’re tired, when you have fever, when it’s Sunday or when your friends are at the beach.
What if you gave a work day to a reporter? Well, not the work itself, but the value of it. How about redirecting 500 lei for reporters who work late evenings or weekends? How about donating this amount to the Investigative, or News, or Video, or Narrative Department? The gift day will not make reporters work less, it will give them the opportunity to enjoy it more.
How to do it?
Write a post saying that you are donating a day of work for ZdG reporters or send us a message at and say for which department or what you are donating this day for.
Go to the donation page and choose how to donate: by card, paynet or paypal and make the transfer. We will answer with gratitude and with a surprise, expected for all donors of the day!
Devino PatronZdG
De-a lungul timpului ZdG a fost des acuzat că este plătit de politicieni și scrie la comandă, însă echipa a continuat să scrie adevărul în pofida acuzațiilor aduse de corupții pe care îi deconspiram. Nu avem stăpâni și nu apelăm la fințări dubioase, însă tu poți fi patronul nostru.
Devino PatronZdG și contribuie la dezvoltarea jurnalismului de investigație. În schimb, vei fi printre primii care au acces la materialele noastre video și care primesc ziarul în format PDF în timp ce ediția tipărită e încă la tipografie.
Do you have questions?
Leave us a message if you have any questions about our products or about a possible collaboration.
Last update: 13/02/2023