Moldova needs more than ever a newspaper that informs about corruption and human rights. You can receive the newspaper at home, at the office, or - in the PDF version on your computer! You can also subscribe your loved ones or donate subscriptions so that ZdG reaches the villages of Moldova.

Subscribe to ZdG
Why subscribe to ZdG?
Ziarul de Gardă is created by a small group of journalists who have been exposing corruption and human rights violations for 18 years. ZdG’s content is offered for free on online platforms, but the newspaper’s print and the work of the reporters cost money. ZdG offers low prices for newspaper subscription so that it can reach as wide an audience as possible. Thus, by subscribing or by donating a few subscriptions to those who do not have the opportunity to subscribe, you help us to continue to do quality journalism.
Who can subscribe to ZdG?
Subscriptions can be made by both natural persons and legal entities. There is also an option of subscribing the loved ones, grandparents, friends, and if you are willing to make several subscriptions so that the newspaper reaches Moldovan villages, ZdG offers the possibility of making subscriptions for schools, libraries, or other institutions and entities.
What does the prind and the PDF ZdG editions represent?
The printed edition of Ziarul de Gardă has 24 pages full of journalistic investigations, articles about people, news, medical and legal advice, exclusive interviews, messages from people in diaspora, useful news from the country and abroad, but also information on cultural events. The printed edition is distributed by postmen throughout the territory of Moldova, and the PDF edition is distributed to the e-mail of subscribers.
How can you subscribe to ZdG?
The subscription is made by placing an order. In the case of the PDF edition, you must introduce the e-mail to which the newspaper issue can be sent, and in the case of the printed edition, you must introduce the address and the name of the subscriber. In the case of the PDF edition, you will be able to receive the newspaper online the following Thursday after the subscription, and in the case of the printed editions, you have the option to select from which month you want to receive them.
When does the newspaper come out?
The Ziarul de Gardă newspaper is published weekly on Thursdays. You will be able to read the PDF edition every Thursday, on your email address. The printed edition of Ziarul de Gardă is delivered to the physical address on Thursday or Friday, depending on the schedule of employees of the Moldovan Post Office - the national newspaper distributor.
Do you have questions?
Leave us a message if you have any questions about our products or about a possible collaboration.
Last update: 30/01/2023